Lively Image wants to thank you for your time....

    Photography is our passion and we want to be able to share the power of a photo with you. Photos are a great way to preserve memories and help to make memories. My kids favorite past time with their grandparents is to look though many albums of photos and hear the stories told about each photo. Many people feel photos are only for special events and have to be very costly. We hope to change these peoples views with very affordable photos and a great portfolio of our work. Lively Image has taken photos of everything from automobiles to zebras.  No event is too big or small for us to photograph. The best part about Lively Image is that we can do photos without studio walls and make every session personal. We love going out to a park or lake and doing photos that show a family real passion and not just a studio backdrop. We are able to provided studio style photos in the privacy of your own home or location if you would prefer. Weddings are our newest adventure and even though they require loads of work the enjoyment of giving the bride the photos makes it all worth it. If you are going to marry soon, please remember us for all your photo needs. Maternity photos, hospital and newborn photos are available and make great gifts to a mom to be. Valentines day is right around the corner and what better gift for that amazing man or lady in your life then a sexy Boudoir session. You decide how much you want to show and what your comfortable doing. Your love will not know what to do when they see you as a model. Love handles and stretch marks are removed at no additional cost. Last but not least is children and infant sessions. Does your child play sports or dance? If so Lively Image is able to get those high motion moving photos that most cameras can't catch. Lively Image uses only high end Nikon products and editing programs. So you will not be disappointed at our equipment. We are also speedy with our editing, privacy is among our highest concern and proofs are posted online quickly for your viewing. Lastly Lively Image has multiple photographers available which many other photography companys can not do. This allows you more comfort knowing that multiple photographers can be at a event and can cover if one of our team members has a emergency.